The combat in this game is, I suppose, rather entertaining for Console players. DA:O or KOTOR), Bioware has chosen to go the "Halo 2 route" and try to keep us guessing.

Rather than write a good game with a sense of closure at the end (e.g. Finally, the whole game is told retrospectively through the narrative of a secondary character, and the plot ends with a massive, pointless cliffhanger. There is also nowhere near enough loot and new equipment to keep the scavenging aspect all-too-crucial to a role playing game interesting. There is little gray area to be seen in this game, and such themes as slavery, and "blood magic" (slitting one's wrists to conjure evil spirits or kill people) obviously denote evil, and place a decidedly moralistic overtone on the game. Dragon Age II is repetitive in the nature of its quests.

If you are a fan of Mass Effect, Dragon Age: Origins, or Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, you will be horribly disappointed by the game's background, writing, and pace as well. What makes combat worse is the fact that enemies spawn in waves, often in absurd quantities, and the player will often have to engage in combat for no reason at all, as mindless thugs will spawn in the streets frequently. While there is blood and gore, it is at a ludicrous level, obviously meant to appeal to the ultra-violence/God of War crowd. The combat is more tuned to consoles than to PC gaming, and as a PC gamer, I found this entry in the Dragon Age saga rather boring in terms of combat. The set pieces in this game repeat themselves at an unacceptable rate. Kirkwall is neither attractive nor welcoming in ways Bioware both wanted (art style, ambiance) and ways they most probably did not want (repetitiveness). First the negative: Dragon Age II takes place mostly in a single environment, the city of Kirkwall. That said, the game has both positive and negative features that one must take into account. Dragon Age II is nothing more than a half-hearted attempt to cash in on the incredible success that was Dragon Age: Origins. First the negative: Dragon Age II takes place mostly in a Going into this game, I had extremely high hopes, most of which were smashed against the cliffs of mediocrity. Going into this game, I had extremely high hopes, most of which were smashed against the cliffs of mediocrity.