Opera: …/download-with-internet-download-manager-idm/.

Chrome: …/ijagoebbhgpklaaliglekagdjpigbcgm.Which external download managers are supported? The extension supports assigning jobs via the context menu without activation.No additional steps are necessary to activate an external job.Disabling the extension will not impact performance.The extension will call an external download manager when it is active from the action button.For each download manager, there is a separate options page that contains the corresponding command-line arguments. You can also use the right-click context menu to send your downloads to an external download manager without enabling the interruption mode. Once enabled, you can proceed with the usual downloading process and observe that the external executable is called instead of the browser's built-in download manager. You must first enable the extension using the action button to redirect downloads. By default, these extensions are disabled and do not interfere with downloads. The "Download With an External Download Manager" extensions enable the redirection of browser downloads to an external download manager, such as Internet Download Manager (IDM).